Saturday, February 2, 2008

bored + hungry

been sitting around for the last 2 days. A positive is my ankle has miraculously healed overnight. Yesterday morning it still hurt pretty bad, and today when i woke up absolutely no pain at all when walking jumping or jogging. I am going to rest it for a few more days though and keep my brace on. I've spoke too soon before and reinjured my shit plenty of times. Watchin the UCLA vs. Arizona game, UCLA is dominating I felt like watchin a good competitive game today but this is lookin like a joke. Hungry as hell but I'ma bout to go to Texas roadhouse in an hour so its all good. Real broke so in order to fund this meal I am gonna find all the loose change around my room car and house and hit up coinstar. I already have about 11 bucks in change.... halftime. shower time.

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